1. Water Volume
Over the years, genetic advancement for increased weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion have led to the current commercial broilers which attain heavier weights in less time with greater yields. It is estimated that birds consume approximately 1.7 pounds (771.11 grams) of water for every pound of feed. Therefore the amount of water a bird consumes is critical to how much feed they intake.
2. Water Quality
When water looks clear and tastes okay we believe it to be good – right? Well this isn’t necessarily true; actually water quality is impossible to judge adequately except with laboratory testing. Field experience has conclusively shown that un-observable differences in water quality, from farm to farm and even from one well to another within a complex, can result in significant differences in bird performance.
3. Water Delivery
It is important for your delivery lines and related water infrastructure to function at peak performance. Often when water is contaminated with bacteria such as iron and manganese, a bio-film forms and those supply lines can slowly degrade and become a problem when peak demands are required. Providing a purified water before distribution lines is critical to any large poultry operation.
Liquid Ozone Water Disinfection Products:
Improved water disinfection and filtration only increases a poultry operation's ability to perform at its highest potential.
Ag Fluid Products advanced oxidation water treatment technology gives you the very best chance to reach your operational goals.
AFP-Disinfects unique ability to sanitize a poultry's operation is second to none. Stay ahead of your bio-security needs with AFP-Disinfect.
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